Monday, April 9, 2012

Ode to the Present

present moment,
as a wooden slab,
immaculate hour,
this day
as a new cup
from the past--
no spider web
with our fingers,
we caress
the present;
we cut it
according to our magnitude;
we guide
the unfolding of its blossoms.
It is living,
it contains
from the unrepairable past,
from the lost past,
it is our
growing at
this very moment, adorned with
sand, eating from
our hands.
Grab it.
Don't let it slip away.
Don't lose it in dreams
or words.
Clutch it.
Tie it,
and order it
to obey you.
Make it a road,
a bell,
a machine,
a kiss, a book,
a caress.
Take a saw to its delicious
And make a chair;
braid its
test it.
Or then, build
a staircase!
Yes, a
the present,
by step,
press your feet
onto the resinous wood
of this moment,
going up,
going up,
not very high,
just so
you repair
the leaky roof.
Don't go all the way to heaven.
for apples,
not the clouds.
Let them
fluff through the sky,
skimming passage,
into the past.
your present,
your own apple.
Pick it from
your tree.
Raise it
in your hand.
It's gleaming,
rich with stars.
Claim it.
Take a luxurious bite
out of the present,
and whistle along the road
of your destiny.

I have read Pablo Neruda before and I have loved all his poems that I have read. This one is no exception. I have never read this poem of his and it stuck out to me more then the other Ode's. To me, this poem is another way of expressing to forget about the past. I especially love the line "...this day pure as a new cup from the past.." Everyday is a new day no matter what happened yesterday. I feel like Pablo Neruda is saying forget about the past and focus on the present do not fret about the past because you cannot change it and thinking about the past would be pointless. It could drive you crazy. And I really feel the same, the past cannot be changed no matter what you do or say or think and tomorrow is just another day. 

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